International Maharishi AyurVeda Foundation (IMAVF)
The International Platform for Maharishi AyurVeda Health Professionals and Supporters

American University of Integrative Sciences partners with MUM

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Partnership between AUIS and MUM AUIS is excited to announce a new partnership with Maharishi University of Management – Seven Year High School to Medical Residency with a BS, MD, and MS In November of 2015, American University of Integrative Sciences (AUIS) began a...

AYUSH Minister Shri Naik promotes Ayurveda globally

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India’s AYUSH Minister, Hon. Prasad Naik, enumerated on 2 February 2016, at the inauguration of Global Ayurveda Festival, Kerala, India the nations with which India has signed MoUs / is collaborating re. Ayurveda / is creating Ayurveda chairs. Ministry of AYUSH has made...

Ayurveda at French University planned

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In the final statement (Pt 34) of India’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi and French President François Hollande on 10 April 2015, during PM Modi’s state visit to France, is stated: They welcomed the signing of the Letter of Intent between Central Council for Research in...

Ayurveda Chair at a Moscow Int’l University

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On 24 December 2015 India’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Russia’s President Putin declared in their final statement (point 28): Both sides welcomed progress towards the establishment of an Ayurveda Chair in the People Friendship University in Moscow.

Malaysia’s Prime Minister on Ayurveda

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Malaysia’s Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Abdul Razak said on 23 November 2015: “Malaysia and India are keen to promote greater cooperation in traditional medicine Ayurveda, and expand the development and usage of Ayurveda, one of the world’s oldest holistic...

Ayurveda and Cancer

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News article in New India Express: Ayurveda can Help Combat Big C. Charak describes in Shotha Chikitsa tumors (granthi), scrofula (apachi) etc. Sushrut and Madhava Nidan describe cancer (arbuda), stating that granthi and arbuda are similar in site, etiology, character, doshas and...

India has launched 1st ayurvedic drug for type-2 diabetes

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The Council for Scientific and Industrial Reasearch of India (CSIR) has launched the first ayurvedic drug for type-2 diabetes mellitus. This new drug controls blood sugar and limits the adverse side-effects of allopathic diabetes medicines. See article on from...

India’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Ayurveda, 2 Feb 2016

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India’s Prime Minister Modi inaugurated on 2 February an International Ayurveda event in Kerala. Here some quotes: Samadosha, sama-agni, samadhatu malakriyah Prasannatma, indriyas manah swath abhidayate. Health is the complete state of well being and not the absence of...

International Ayurveda Congress 2015

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Time-tested, scientifically verified solutions for the health problems of our time Ayurveda for Global Health 11–12 April 2015, Roermond, The Netherlands This congress illuminated the time-tested knowledge of Ayurveda with up-to-date insights from modern science. Break-through...