International Maharishi AyurVeda Foundation (IMAVF)
The International Platform for Maharishi AyurVeda Health Professionals and Supporters

Maharishi AyurVeda is practised in many countries around the world. Below reports from 18 countries are listed giving a glimps of the huge spectrum of activities in the field of Maharishi AyurVeda since its starting days in the early 1980s.

Albania Kosovo


Under the auspices of the Health Ministry of both nations, over 160 medical professionals attended a conference on Total Heart Health with Dr. Oliver Werner in Albania and Kosovo. The Ministries of Health in both countries approved the conference for Continued Medical Education.

Dr. Oliver Werner also presented Maharishi Ayurveda and the Total Heart Health conference on television and in private meetings with the Government and interested groups of people.

A Maharishi AyurVeda company has been founded in Albania and products are now on sale in Tirana.



Since 1980 Maharishi Ayur-Veda (MAV) Panchakarma Technician Training Courses and MAV Physician Training Courses have been conducted.

Since 1986 out-patient Panchakarma along with MAV consultations offered.

Since 1989 Australian Association of Ayur-Vedic Medicine established - now known as Maharishi AyurVeda Association of Australia.

Starting in 1986, numerous tours with many hundreds of consultations by eminent Vaidyas from India. Starting with Vaidya Brihaspati Dev Triguna and most recently in 2016 by Ashtavaidya Ravi Moss from Kerala.

In 1997 Maharishi Vedic College offered a fully accredited two year Diploma of Health in Maharishi AyurVeda Consulting.

Maharishi Ayurveda Products were imported starting in 1986 and grew from annual sales of $250,000 to over $850,000 by 2000 through both a retail and wholesale business.

However, restrictive changes in the national laws governing herbal medicines, led to a significant decline in distribution and sales, leading to reduced demand for MAV Physician training, MAV consultations and the viability of MAV clinics.

In August 2016, the Indian Higher Commissioner Mr. Navdeep Suri met with Ayurveda practitioners from around Australia at the the Indian Consulate in Sydney, resulting in a strategy to support Ayurveda in Australia. This strategy included requesting the government of India to:
  • fund pilot clinical research in 4 or 5 key areas;
  • support a tour of a high profile researcher in Ayurveda to leading medical research institutes to stimulate interest in research in Australia;
  • negotiate with the Australian Government to authorise for sale the Ayurvedic herbs that are included in the Indian Government’s Ayurvedic Pharmacopeia;
  • to establish an advisory council on Ayurveda e.g. as part the Australian National Institute of Complementary Medicine (NICM).



The Austrian Doctors Society for Ayurvedic Medicine was founded in 1985.

It conducts many lectures and courses both for MDs and the general public and due to these efforts, many Austrian hotels and wellness institutions have integrated Ayurvedic treatments into their wellness menus.

At present, around 50 doctors have Ayurvedic training and hundreds of masseurs and wellness consultants use Ayurvedic techniques in their practices.

In addition to conducting postgraduate training programmes for Ayurvedic doctors, the Austrian Doctors Society for Ayurvedic Medicine has succeeded in establishing Ayurveda as a legal profession: The "Ayurveda Wohlfühlpraktiker" for paramedic professions such as wellness consultants and nurses.



Since 1985 Maharishi AyurVeda has been active in Brazil, offering Maharishi AyurVeda consultations and Panchakarma.

In 1997 the Maharishi AyurVeda programme for chronic diseases was offered in Brazil and in 2001 the Ayurveda programme "Ama Pachana" was first introduced and by now 15 groups have had excellent results.

Several advanced training seminars for existing MAV doctors were offered as well as Ayurveda training seminars for medical doctors and health professionals.

A full Maharishi AyurVeda Health Centre, offering Panchakarma, is planned to open in Rio de Janeiro in 2017.



Copenhagen has one private clinic for MAV, run by Dr. Charlotte Bech, who also gives regular courses in Ayurveda for patients, holds lectures around the country, speaks regularly on national radio and TV shows, has written five books on Ayurveda, and is a columnist on Ayurveda in several national magazines. Dr. Bech's clinic has been fully approved by the National Institutes of Health (Sundhedsstyrelsen). Dr. Bech has also been teaching Ayurveda for two years at the University of Copenhagen and she organizes 3-4 conferences a year on Ayurveda for medical doctors, working in close collaboration with the Embassy of India.

A MAV vaidya tours the country every 3-6 months to give consultations in MAV. To date, four MAV consultants have given approximately 20.000 consultations.

At present, Dr. Charlotte Bech is giving many courses for new medical doctors on Ayurveda and has trained 31 doctors in clinical diagnosis and treatment of Maharishi AyurVeda over the past three years. One of these doctors works for the National Institute of Health. The other doctors include general practitioners, ophthalmologists, pulmonologists, psychiatrists, gynecologists, pediatricians, and radiologists.

All Maharishi AyurVeda products have been sold in Denmark since 1985.



The German Association for Ayurveda (DGA) was founded in 1983; it is the oldest medical association for Ayurvedic medicine outside of India, with 120 members and 40 sustaining members.

As a non-profit medical association, the DGA is in close cooperation with the All India Ayurvedic Congress.

Over the last 33 years, the DGA holds annual meetings, educational courses and professional training courses for doctors and practitioners and in 2003 it founded the German Ayurveda Academy to conduct advanced training courses.

Tens of thousands of patients in Germany, Austria and Switzerland have been treated with MAV by DGA’s members.

To encourage health insurance coverage of Ayurvedic treatments, the DGA organises two big symposia for health insurance and public health sector decision makers in Köln and Bad Ems.

With the Hufelandgesellschaft, the DGA regularly compiles the Ayurveda medical fee schedule for the health insurance doctors’ accounts.

Since 2008 the DGA has organised annual educational trips to India for its members.

United Kingdom


Maharishi AyurVeda was directly involved in government initiatives for the recognition of Ayurveda and initiated the establishment of the Ayurveda Practitioners Association which now has many Ayurveda practitioners and therapists enrolled.

Throughout the United Kingdom of England, Wales and Northern Ireland in over 15 cities regular seminars and consultations have been held over the years. In Ireland in 5 different towns and also in The Channel islands. Over the years a Maharishi AyurVeda doctor also visited Iceland and Greece for the same purposes.

Since 1987 Maharishi Ayurveda Products have been established and distributed and the Maharishi Panchakarma Centre in Skelmersdale has been running successfully since that time. Over the years about 10,000 Panchakarma treatments (each treatment ranging from one to twenty one days). Consultations: 20,000. Ayurvedic technicians trained: 30.



The Hungarian Ayurvedic Scientific Society has been established, as part of the Medical Board of the Complementary Medicine.

The European Academic Chair of Ayurveda was established at University of Debrecen, Hungary, which operates all-Hungarian Ayurvedic Board.

Vaidyas from India tour and give consultations throughout Hungary with great success.

Regular Ayurvedic Medical Practice in Hungary has been established, according to the strict Hungarian government regulations.

Ayurveda Education Programmes have begun at the university level.



Maharishi AyurVeda was first introduced in Lebanon in the early 90’s.

Medical doctors from Lebanon attended courses on Maharishi AyurVeda in Vlodrop and then they established the Maharishi AyurVeda Foundation of Lebanon in 1993.

Maharishi Panchakarma was first introduced in Lebanon in 1994.

Consultations by our local MDs continue and many Vaidya tours have been organized with more than a hundred consultations conducted each time.

In 2010, one of our local Medical Doctors who practices Maharishi AyurVeda established a clinic to offer Maharishi AyurVeda Massage Treatments.

In 2010 a new company was established to import Maharishi AyurVeda Products and obtain licenses for import, some of the products are already licensed and some other products are under the process of obtaining licenses by the Ministry of Health in Lebanon.

Many Public Lectures, TV and Radio interviews and press articles have been published about Maharishi AyurVeda and its benefits.

An Arabic website introducing Maharishi AyurVeda was first published in 2004.



Luxembourg Ministry of Health Recommends Transcendental Meditation and Yo-ga In Official Guidelines for Managing Hypertension:
On World Hypertension Day in May 2016, the Luxembourg Ministry of Health issued a set of guidelines to reduce high blood pressure, which is a leading cause of death by strokes and heart attacks. The Ministry officially recommended the regular practice of Transcendental Meditation and yoga as valuable components of a holistic strategy to defeat hypertension.



Since 2005 over 5174 MAV consultations including Abhyanga, Pizzichilli and other traditional Panchakarma treatments have been provided at the Maharishi Ayurveda Health Center in Lelystad.

Many MAV courses have been taught over the past several years, including courses in Maharishi Yoga Asanas, Self Pulse Reading, Maharishi Aroma Therapy and a special course to train the instructors of the Maharishi Primary School how to teach the basics of Ayurveda to their students.

In 2015 Roermond hosted the first International Ayurveda Congress attended by over 500 participants. The Congress was co-hosted by the International Maharishi Ayurveda Foundation, the All India Ayurvedic Congress, the International Academy of Ayurveda and the Maharishi European Research University.

New Zealand


In 1989 New Zealand hosted the first International training course for Maharishi Ayurveda Consultants – a 3 month in-residence programme with more than 30 participants from around the world.

As a result there has been a core of 6 dedicated MA Consultants practising within New Zealand, one of whom is Dr. David Lovell-Smith a medical doctor and health researcher. Another of these graduates, Linda Sinden, has been prolific in conducting over 15,000 personal consultations since 1989 and has become a great exponent of nadi vigyan. For many years she has also represented and promoted Ayurveda as a core member of the Charter of New Zealand Health Practitioners.

Most of our Maharishi Ayurveda consultants have also undergone advanced training courses in both India and Europe. Over the years New Zealand has also hosted a number of eminent vaidyas from India.

The products and services of Maharishi Ayurveda are highly respected by the New Zealand public and among other natural health professionals.



Russian National Organization created a new programme and website to promote Maharishi Ayurveda in Russia.

Courses and consultation with Ayurvedic Vaidyas from India are organised twice a year.

A course on Maharishi Ayurveda in Russian has been developed.

The Perfect Health Short Course on Yoga is taught in various places.

IMAVF Board Member Lothar Pirc presented Maharishi AyurVeda to medical and government leaders in Russia. As a result, investors have offered to build a Maharishi Panchakarma clinic in a prime location. A regional television station repeatedly broadcasts a summary of Lothar Pirc’s presentations, followed by a 20-minute interview with him.



The first Maharishi AyurVeda Clinic opened in 2003 in Belgrade.

Ayurveda was officially included in the Serbian Law on Traditional Medicine, which regulates in detail the practice of 17 systems of traditional medicine within the national health care system of Serbia.

Over 40 course participants attended the Maharishi AyurVeda Doctors Course (two year's training in Maharishi AyurVeda for health professionals).

The first licence to practice Ayurveda by a MD in Serbia was issued by the Ministry of Health in 2015.

Two international symposiums on Mind/Body medicine in Ayurveda have been held, one in 2013 and another in 2016, with more than 40 international speakers and more than 760 registered participants.

More than 100 articles on Ayurveda have been published, with 40 of them just in the past 2 years and dozens of interviews about Ayurveda have appeared on major TV and radio stations.

The Royal Academy of Sciences honored Dr. Gordana Marković for her work in bringing Maharishi Ayurveda to the people of Serbia.



Starting in 2010, Maharishi Ayurveda Naturopaths and doctors have given consultations and pulse reading to hundreds of patients, resulting in wide publicity in the print media.

Since 2011:
  • a National Private TV show presents knowledge about Maharishi Ayurveda every month.
  • frequent Ayurveda tours have been held with renowned Maharishi Ayurveda Vaidyas – 6 tours all together with more then 1000 patients.
  • Ongoing Maharishi Ayurveda education for doctors and therapists with more then 70 course participants.

In 2016:
  • 16 hour-long course for self pulse reading for wide public is about to be released.
  • Maharishi Ayurveda products are sold in health food stores across the country.
  • Maharishi Ayurveda products webinar now available online.



Switzerland is the first western country to officially recognize complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) in its public health system and Ayurveda is one of the few first recognized disciplines. Two levels of professional training have been established:

  1. The more advanced "Awarded Naturopathic Practitioner in Ayurveda-Medicine" provides training similar to that of an Ayurvedic doctor in India, involving diagnosis and treatment plans, prescription of medicines, and all treatment techniques.
  2. The second level "Awarded Complementary Therapist in Ayurveda-Therapy" provides training as a technician/therapist using exclusively non-invasive ayurvedic treatment methods.

Negotiations are underway with all the health insurance companies to reimburse up to 80% of the ayurvedic treatment costs.

The Indo-Swiss Ayurveda Foundation (ISA) actively promotes Ayurveda as a medical system in the West, in accordance with the education quality standards recommended by the World Health Organisation (WHO) and the Indian Ministry AYUSH for Ayurveda, Yoga & Naturopathy, Unani, Siddha and Homoeopathy.

An important next step in Switzeralnd includes lobbying the national parliament representatives to establish a strong legal basis for the therapeutic use of ayurvedic medicines and food supplements.



Maharishi AyurVeda has been practiced in Turkey since 1986 and since 1996 Maharishi AyurVeda products and Maharishi PanchaKarma have been available.

Every year a Vaidya gives more than 100 consultations in a tour of 4–5 cities for 2–3 weeks.

United States


In 1986, Maharishi AyurVeda Association of America (MAAA) was founded in the US. Its current medical directors are Stuart Rothenberg, MD, Nancy Lonsdorf, MD. MAAA is providing the following educational programmes via the Institue of Integrative Ayurveda Medical Education:

  1. MAAA offers a 66-hour Level 1 training programme available entirely online; in addition, two live weekend workshops are available in various locations around the country. The programme is co-sponsored by prestigious integrative medicine institutions, including University of Maryland Center for Integrative Medicine, the Academy of Integrative Health and Medicine, and Atlantic Health System.
  2. MAAA collaborates with the Academic Consortium for Integrative Health and Medicine, which represents over 60 medical schools and hospital systems in the US offering integrative medicine programs. Drs. Rothenberg and Lonsdorf were invited to make a presentation on the MAAA programs at the Consortium’s annual national meeting in Las Vegas, attended by over 800 physicians and other health professionals. They are currently in discussion with additional leading Centers of Integrative Medicine about partnering on educational programmes.
  3. The Level 1 program has been approved for 17.5 hours of Continuing Medical Education credit for physicians (this is the credit that physicians need to maintain their licenses), as well as Continuing Education credit for nurses, chiropractors, naturopaths, acupuncturists, massage therapists, social workers and yoga teachers.
  4. Over 500 health professionals have taken the MAAA Level 1 programme. In addition, increasing numbers of non-health professionals are now taking Level 1 Maharishi AyurVeda training through the Wellness Education track.
  5. MAAA, in collaboration with Maharishi University of Management (MUM), has recently inaugurated advanced Level 2 training as a 60-hour online programme with a live weekend workshop.
  6. The MAAA Level 1 & 2 training programme is a stepping-stone to the MUM Masters in Maharishi AyurVeda and Integrative Medicine. Graduates of the Level 1 & 2 programme constitute a significant percentage of MUM Masters program participants.