Sixth International Ayurveda Congress, 23 November 2021, Roermond, The Netherlands

Sixth International Ayurveda Congress
“Bringing Ayurveda into the Mainstream”
23 November 2021, Roermond, The Netherlands
This International Ayurveda Congress is the joint effort of the Indian Embassy, Den Haag, The Netherlands; the International Maharishi AyurVeda Foundation, The Netherlands; and Stichting MERU—Maharishi European Research University.
The theme of this Congress is to bring Ayurveda into the mainstream in the areas of education, research, training, practice, and products. The Congress presents a platform for all leading Ayurveda organizations in Europe and leaders in various fields of Ayurveda.
The Congress was held in the beautiful city of Roermond in the South of The Netherlands. The venue was the TheaterHotel ‘De Oranjerie’, a four-star hotel with international conference facilities.
For more information about the congress, please click HERE.