Seventh International Ayurveda Congress, March 2023, Kathmandu, Nepal

Seventh International Ayurveda Congress
“Roadmap for Globalization of Ayurveda”
3-5 March 2023, Kathmandu, Nepal
The All India Ayurvedic Congress, New Delhi, the International Academy of Ayurveda, Pune, and the International Maharishi AyurVeda Foundation, The Netherlands, supported by the Nepal Maharishi Vedic Foundation as the local host, invite to the seventh International Ayurveda Congress, which will take place in Spring 2023 in Kathmandu, Nepal – for the first time in Asia.
Going centuries back, Nepal has a rich history of Ayurveda and to this day it is recognised as a core part of their culture and routine. Rare Ayurvedic medicines and herbs are also naturally growing throughout the Himalayan valleys.
The Congress will be a forum for international leading experts and professionals interested in Ayurveda, to expand their scope of knowledge. Attend workshops on medical, herbal, pharma, engineering and science of Ayurveda. Discuss and debate topics relating to Ideal Health, Prevention of Chronic Disorders, and natural approaches to the reversal of ageing.
Special emphasis will be laid on exchanging ideas how to increase the acceptance and application of Ayurvedic methods all over the globe. The goal is to formulate a Roadmap for Globalization of Ayurveda in the following 4 areas:
- Establishing highest quality education and training in Ayurveda for medical practitioners as well as for the public in each country.
- Guiding the practice of various preventative approaches in Ayurveda and thereby detecting and correcting physiological imbalances in their early stages.
- Promote scientific research on Ayurveda to showcase preventive and curative benefits in healthcare and encourage its global recognition.
- Ensuring global availability of authentic Ayurveda products by overcoming regulatory hurdles and implementing procedures to guarantee safety and purity.
For more information about the congress, please click HERE.