International Maharishi AyurVeda Foundation (IMAVF)
The International Platform for Maharishi AyurVeda Health Professionals and Supporters

A vision for global wellness: an interview with Lothar Pirc

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A vision for global wellness: an interview with Lothar Pirc, the new Raja with special responsibility for global health and for establishing Maharishi AyurVeda Health Centres in every country On Guru Purnima 2024, after two months of intensive training, Lothar Pirc, Board Member...

Maharishi AyurVeda Conference 11–12 October 2024, Budapest, Hungary

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Maharishi AyurVeda Conference 11–12 October 2024, Budapest, Hungary Join us for the Maharishi AyurVeda Conference on 11–12 October 2024, at the luxurious Verdi Hotel Aquincum in Budapest, Hungary. This exceptional event is designed for anyone passionate about Ayurveda and the...

Prof. Vaidya Subhash Ranade and Dr Sunanda Ranade receive prestigious awards

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Global leaders in Ayurveda honoured again for their achievements Prof. Subhash Ranade and Dr Sunanda Ranade have spent the last 43 years in service spreading Ayurveda globally and have been instrumental in promoting consciousness-based Maharishi AyurVeda around the world. On 27...

Preview of the May 2024 Congress of the German Society for Ayurveda

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Ayurveda in practice: From diagnosis to therapy The German Society for Ayurveda (DGA) will offer a platform for all professional health practitioners in Germany who share an interest in Ayurveda to exchange experiences, expand knowledge and gain inspiration. The programme, from 9...

Dr Tony Nader – inspiring highlights from his interview by Fleet Maull in March

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Dr Tony Nader was a featured presenter at The Expanded States of Consciousness World Summit held from 19 to 26 March 2024, when he was interviewed by mindfulness educator and author, Fleet Maull, PhD. In their wide-ranging discussion Dr Maull and Dr Nader delved into the nature...

Lothar Pirc and Dr Girish Momaya spread the knowledge of Maharishi AyurVeda and TM during their trip to India

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Students learned Transcendental Meditation at the Ayurveda College of Dr. D. Y. Patil University (DPU), Pune, India in December 2023 Lothar Pirc, Dr Girish Momaya and local TM teachers taught the technique of Transcendental Meditation to about 100 students at the Ayurveda College...

Dr Tony Nader’s revised “Consciousness Is All There Is” book to be re-published

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Preorder Package includes six webinars, eBook and personal guidance Dr Nader’s “Consciousness Is All There Is” book has been substantially rewritten and revised, and the new version will be published in English this coming July by Hay House, a division of Penguin Random House....